Nitrozyme is a plant extract that contains high levels of growth hormones such as Cytokinins, Auxins, Giberellins, Ethylenes, Enzymes.
In addition to these Nitrozyme contains 70 trace minerals and the following vitamins: A, B1, B2, B12, C, E, K, Biotin, Copper, Niacin, Choline, Panthothene, Boron, Folic Acid and Folinic Acid.
Nitrozyme is a complete natural growth product, derived from Ascopyllum Nodosum which is a variety of Seaweed found in the the North Atlantic Ocean and the Norwegian Sea.
The natural Cytokinins found in Nitrozyme will help control and regulate germination, root development, nutrient uptake, plant tissue composition as well as flowering, seed and fruit set. Nitrozyme acts by relieving plant stress which in turn provides a more vigorous and healthy plant and ultimately increases yields.
Nitrozyme is a fantastic product for tissue culture also!